Radiofrequency for Fat Reduction & Skin Tightening

How is it performed?

Radiofrequency is used on clients who have areas of excessive fat on their bodies.

It involves applying controlled heat on your fat cells, causing them to die without affecting the surrounding muscle or skin.

This procedure not only decreases fat but also stimulates collagen production, which helps to tighten loose skin.

Are there any side effects?

You may experience temporary side effects such as:

  • mild redness
  • tingling
  • warmth
  • tissue tenderness

These side effects though are rare. On the whole, this treatment is non-painful.

Are there any guidelines to be followed before and after treatment? 

  • Prior to the treatment, and even after the treatment you will be asked to stop smoking and drinking alcohol for a few days
  • You will be advised to keep well hydrated while doing any strenuous physical activity
  • You will need to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water 2-3 days prior to and post treatment

How many sessions of radiofrequency will I need for fat reduction? 

For optimum results, we advise 3 to 6 weekly sessions depending on the area of the body and amount of fat.

How long will it take to recover?

The biggest advantage of this procedure is that it has no downtime. You can go to work immediately. Some results are visible after the first two sessions. However for some people, it may take 6+ sessions.

Who is an ideal candidate?

You are an ideal candidate for radiofrequency treatment if: 

  • you are healthy, have a good shape with marked pockets of unwanted fat that do not respond to exercise and do not necessarily require surgery
  • you are not pregnant or nursing
  • you are not obese
  • you do not have any metal implants, which are active in your body such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, cochlear implant, or diabetic pump.

Are the results permanent? 

Results are considered to be permanent in the areas that have been treated.

However, if you do not maintain your weight, chances are the fat will start to come back.

A reasonable diet coupled with a consistent level of physical activity

which includes exercising will guarantee permanent optimal results.

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